
  • Dental and Oral...

    We supply dental products and professional instruments for dental practices and dental laboratories. Our wide range of quality products includes articles for oral hygiene and for cleaning and disinfecting the working facilities of dental technicians, orthodontists and dental staff in general.

  • Diagnostics

    We supply diagnostic devices , instruments used for clinical diagnosis and diagnostic tests. In particular, our range of diagnostic instruments includes sphygmomanometers, stethoscopes, finger oximeters, glucometers, ear and digital thermometers. You can choose the best diagnostic instruments from our constantly updated catalogue. 

  • Disinfectants and...

    We specialise in the production of disinfectants for hospitals, outpatient clinics, dental surgeries and laboratories. We supply a wide range of hand and skin products, disinfectants for surgical instruments and medical devices, meeting all the hygiene and disinfection requirements of healthcare professionals. 

  • Clothing

    This section is reserved for hospitals, outpatient clinics and doctors’ surgeries who need a supply of medical clothing for the medical and nursing staff, as well as for in-patients and guests; all products are made of durable, high quality materials for everyday use. 

  • Dressing products

    We have been supplying dressing products for many years and our catalogue includes various types of disposable dressing products for medical and healthcare uses, such as plasters, bandages and other commonly used medical supplies. Our products are intended for regular use in hospitals, emergency rooms and doctors' surgeries. 

  • Tracheostomy Accessories

    We propose a wide range of devices for tracheostomy, a procedure performed to facilitate breathing. Among the many products we supply for this surgical procedure are: cannula holders, HMEs, dressing products, etc. 

  • Infusion devices

    By requesting the supply of infusion devices, you can provide your surgery and hospital wards with devices for the continuous intravenous delivery of drugs and physiological fluids to in-patients.

  • Emergency and First Aid

    We supply first aid kits, cabinets and cases. We propose a full range of first aid kits, widely diversified to meet every need. Our catalogue includes resuscitation aids and masks, first aid cabinets and first aid nylon bags. 

  • Aspirators, Nebulisers...

    Our catalogue includes a wide range of surgical aspirators, nebulisers and accessories for aerosol therapy and oxygen therapy. We offer different types of surgical aspirators, used for nasal, oral or tracheal suctioning of body fluids. We supply various models of nebulisers, used to solve respiratory problems such as colds and sinusitis, and other devices such as masks and bubble humidifiers.

  • Support, Transfer and...

    We specialise in the supply of antidecubitus devices, offering a wide range of products for the prevention and management of pressure sores, including: antidecubitus mattresses and pillows, abdominal, pelvic and pectoral bands, arm and wrist straps and slings of various types, hollow fibre pillows, heel pads etc. 

  • Kitchen and Paper...

    Lombarda H also specialises in the supply of paper products such as napkins, toilet paper and roll towels; these items are widely used in the medical field and in other professional sectors. Moreover, we market kitchen hygiene products such as trash bags, placemats and disposable cutlery. 

  • Professional...

    Thanks to the experience gained over the years, we supply professional high efficiency detergents to reduce soiling and contamination for doctor’s surgeries, outpatient clinics and hospitals. Cleaning the facilities is a fundamental step before the subsequent disinfection operations. We have a product line that includes cleaners for dishwashers, washing up liquids, hard surface degreasers, toilet cleaning and sanitising detergents, room perfumers and professional washing machine cleaners. 

  • Cleaning equipment

    Our wide range of cleaning equipment for professional use includes all the products that are indispensable to outpatient clinics, nursing homes and healthcare facilities in general. In these facilities, in fact, sanitised surfaces must be ensured day in, day out, by making use of the appropriate tools. In Lombarda H's product catalogue we find antistatic cloths, sponges, galvanised steel wool pads, rubber gloves, brooms, dustpans, buckets with wringer, cleaning trolleys and wet floor warning signs.

  • Sterilisation

    We specialise in the production and marketing of sterilisation products for hospital use. We offer a wide range of specific devices for sterilisation procedures, such as self-sealing bags and disposable sterilisation indicators.  

  • Equipment

    This section on the supply of equipment for hospitals and nursing homes for sick, elderly and mobility-impaired patients includes various products suitable for lifting and transporting patients within healthcare facilities, such as shower chairs, weighing chairs, wheelchairs, lifts, stand-aids and shower gurneys. 

  • Aids and Furniture and...

    We specialise in the supply of furniture for hospitals, doctor's surgeries and clinics, our wide assortment includes both furniture items such as overbed tables, beds, electric beds with and without wheels, bedside tables, closets, tables, three-seater armchairs and handrails, as well as important aids, such as walkers, crutches, bed cradles, drip poles and mini exercise bikes.

  • Orthopaedic Line
  • COVID19

    Protective devices for Covid-19, ideally suited for use in hospitals, nursing homes, private clinics and in any situation where personal protection is required. Discover the entire catalogue that includes covid-19 rapid tests, protective masks of various types, face shields, disposable shoe covers and gowns for guests and visitors, gloves and disinfectant gel. 

  • ECG, Echography and...

    Lombarda H also specialises in the supply of medical devices for gynaecology, ECG and ultrasound examinations. In particular, we market hypoallergenic products such as specific gels for electrocardiograms, gels for ultrasound scans, electrodes, brushes and vaginal speculums.

  • Pharmaceuticals

    We specialise in the distribution of medical and pharmaceutical products for hospitals, clinics and doctors' surgeries, including: creams and barrier films, solvents, urine tests, evacuation enemas, hydrogen peroxide, ice bags.

  • Patient care

    We specialise in the supply of disposable patient care products, such as dermatologically tested mitts with and without soap, wet wipes, bibs, nappies and bed pads. Our extensive catalogue also offers sanitary devices such as urine and faeces containers, bedpans and urinals for the hospital and outpatient sectors.

  • Personal Hygiene,...

    We are a benchmark in the supply of personal hygiene products, thanks to our extensive experience in the field of high-quality healthcare products. This section brings together all the products suitable for patients who need to take care of their personal hygiene during their hospital stay, such as detergents, soaps, creams, deodorants and body cleansing products. 

  • Disposable Medical...

    We supply a wide range of disposable medical devices having different functions, including articles for hospitals, doctor’s surgeries and dental practices; disposable sterile devices for use by physicians and nurses in their daily activities, including needles, tongue depressors, urine bags, catheters, syringes, etc.  

  • Therapy Distribution

    We have been working for years on the supply of drug dispensers, useful tools enabling the preparation and organization of each individual patient's therapy to be performed quickly and easily. The range includes daily pillboxes, pillboxes for weekly therapy scheduling, graduated cups with and without lids, and manual and electric pill crushers. 

  • Surgical Instruments...

    Active in the healthcare sector for over thirty years, we guarantee the supply of surgical instruments and accessories for hospitals, outpatient clinics and doctors' surgeries. Our range of surgical instruments includes basins of different sizes, anatomical and Klemmer forceps, scissors, nail clippers, speculums and stitch removers. 

  • Sports Health Articles

    We propose a wide range of devices used in sports medicine; professional articles for the healing and recovery of orthopaedic sports injuries, including tape patches, dry ice and spray ice, and kinesiology tape for muscle recovery.

  • Disphagia

    Our product line for dysphagia includes products such as thickeners and gelling agents suitable to improve the swallowing reflex of people suffering from this condition. All of our products are calibrated to meet the nutritional requirements of patients who are malnourished, elderly, dysphagic or are recovering after surgery. 

  • Personal Hygiene

    The health and well-being of our skin involves simple gestures, starting with daily hygiene and hydration. Taking care of it also means opposing the onset of redness or potentially harmful conditions, especially in the presence of factors that can make it more sensitive and delicate, such as skin aging or prolonged hospitalization. This is why it's so important to choose specific treatments that can deeply moisturize and strengthen the skin's natural barriers, helping to counteract inflammation.

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Dispositivo medico adatto a contenere fluidi biologici per effettuare analisi di laboratorio. Contenitore in polipropilene con tappo a vite. Imbustato singolarmente.


La mutanda a rete permette di utilizzare correttamente i pannoloni sagomati e rettangolari con barriera, perché aiuta a mantenerli nella posizione corretta offrendo grande protezione.


Pratici e ad alto potere assorbente, i pannolini rettangolari, con barriera impermeabile o senza, sono il prodotto monouso ideale per l’incontinenza leggera e media, sia per pazienti autosufficienti che allettati.


Il pannolino Lady è un piccolo assorbente di forma anatomica dalla grande vestibilità studiato per l’igiene della persona affetta da leggeri problemi di incontinenza.


Le traverse monouso sono una valida protezione assorbente per persone affette da problemi di incontinenza. Assicurano igiene e comfort e si stendono facilmente come un comune lenzuolo.


Padella in polipropilene con un design specifico per rendere comodo sia l’utilizzo che il lavaggio successivo.


Detergente liquido indicato per l’igiene corporea quotidiana, nel rispetto della fisiologia cutanea.


Emulsione detergente a pH 3,5 a base di estratti naturali di Salvia officinalis e acido lattico indicata per l’igiene intima e della persona.


Emulsione detergente a pH 3,5 a base di estratti naturali di Timo Vulgaris e Salvia officinalis particolarmente indicata per l’igiene intima in presenza di stati infiammatori ed alterazioni cutanee.


Crema sapone a pH 4,5 studiato per la pulizia dell’epidermide. Prodotto contenente antibatterico lascia la pelle morbida anche nel caso di lavaggi frequenti.


Sapone lavamani profumato ed a ph neutro. Prodotto delicato sulla pelle, non screpola le mani anche in caso di lavaggi frequenti.


Prodotto insostituibile per la cura della pelle, polvere finissima di talco naturale, si caratterizza per l’ineguagliabile qualità della sua formulazione.


Cuffia shampoo pre-umidificata per un pratico e confortevole lavaggio dei capelli senza risciacquo, particolarmente indicata quando il normale lavaggio risulta difficoltoso.


Crema all’ossido di zinco, ottimo ed efficace coadiuvante nel trattamento di autoriparazione e normalizzazione dell’epidermide, a seguito di irritazioni e arrossamenti da feci ed urine, di neonati, anziani ed allettati.


Crema in grado di garantire un’idratazione sicura e profonda per tutti i tipi di pelle.


Crema emolliente e riepitelizzante a base di calendula e altri estratti naturali ad azione preventiva delle piaghe da decubito. Non unge e non lascia residui.


Protegge l’epidermide da qualsiasi tipo di sfregamento, rende la pelle più elastica e isola la parte interessata prevenendo irritazioni cutanee.


Crema lenitiva a base di Aloe, Pantenolo e Vitamina E. Idrata e lenisce la cute garantendo una perfetta cura sia dalle prime ore successive al trattamento.


Bevanda pronta all’uso per l’idratazione dei pazienti che soffrono di disfagia, per favorire il riflesso della deglutizione (gusto e consistenza).


Prodotto in polvere a base di amido modificato di patata e maltodestrine del mais destinato ad aumentare la viscosità delle preparazioni alimentari o a donare una consistenza gelificata ai liquidi.


Adatta per la prima raccolta di materiale di medicazione, per consentire il lavaggio del paziente costretto a letto e, comunque, per ogni operazione che richieda un contenitore monouso e non.


Munite di presa dentata, esse vengono impiegate nella prima fase dell’intervento chirurgico, ossia dell’incisione, e dell’ultima parte: la sutura.


Strumenti utilizzati per la dissezione di tessuti, vasi, visceri ed il taglio di fili di sutura e presidi; si differenziano tra loro per forma, lunghezza, robustezza ed angolatura.


Specchietti laringei per l’esplorazione della cavità orale, disponibili in varie misure.